Coach Lyndi's Prodcast

Episode 1 Where is Your Money Thermostat?

August 20, 2024 Lyndi Hutchinson Season 1 Episode 1

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This Week:

Our Books for Smarty Pants: The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Featured Top Banana: T. Harv Eker

Power Word for the Week: Money Thermostat

Train Your Brain Thought: Where is YOUR Money Thermostat?

"Hey! That's Funny!" file: His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Our First Episode kicks of with best selling author T. Harv Eker and his amazing book: "The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind".

Mr. Eker's book is a fun read and is inspirational as well as informative.

After he describes his background of numerous business failures, Mr. Eker finally achieved the success he had hoped for.  He began teaching others how to do the same, has written several best selling books and hosts live events and seminars.

In this book, he talks about one man who was "stalled" in his wealth journey and how he overcame it by understanding his "money thermostat".

We take a look at this and then ask ourselves: how is our money thermostat???

Thanks for joining me!

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See You Next Week!